Life Apps (3) – The Confession App


We are into week 3 of our series Life Apps and we have been talking about applying what we have learned.  Somehow that James, the brother of Jesus knew that as Christians we have the tendency of deceiving ourselves.  We think that sitting in church listening to sermons and feeling guilty was enough of a religious experience.  But James said that is not true, because if we don’t do what we are taught, then nothing changes.  Our beliefs and good intentions are worthless unless we choose to apply.  Application is everything.  Application brings life change.  So last week we talked about application no. 1 – forgiveness.


Today we are going to talk about our 2nd life app – Confession.  The concept of “confession” often leads us to the image of a veiled priest sitting in a confession booth ready to absolve you of your sins.  Protestants may have it a little easier; they can go directly to God and ask for forgiveness without involving a middleman.  Regardless of the religious system, the outcome tends to be the same – a relieved conscience.  However “confession” doesn’t necessarily result in life change.  Then what’s the point of confession?  The result may be more than you thought.


Moving Forward

Genuine confession leads to genuine change.  But that requires an element of both repentance and reconciliation.  The Bible is clear about confessing sins to one another rather than keeping it solely a “you and God” issue.


Discussion Questions


1. When you think of “confession,” what is the first thing that comes to mind?


2. After confessing, do we proceed with a clean slate? Or are there any consequences for our sins that are unforgettable?


3. Read Numbers 5:5-7 and Luke 19:8-9. Why is restitution an important part of confession?


4. Read James 5:16. What is the biggest obstacle to confessing your sins to each other? What are the possible consequences of concealing your sins?


5. What do you need to confess? Who do you need to tell?

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