8-18-13 Life Apps (2) – The Forgiveness App (Romans 12:17-21)

8-18-13 Life Apps (2) – The Forgiveness App (Romans 12:17-21)


We have just begun this series last week called Life Apps and we said that application makes all the difference. We may have been church goers or long time Christians, but until we apply what we learned in the Bible, our lives remain the same. It’s only when we choose to apply what we learned we begin to experience life change. So last week we said that when you get up in the morning and look yourself in the mirror, that you would remember last week’s conversation and begin to get serious about applying what you have learned in your daily life. What are some of the truths you can begin applying in your life? To help you with that over the course of next several weeks we are going to talk about some very practical life apps that will help you experience a life change, if you choose to apply.


The first one we are going to talk about is forgiveness. I know, this is a tough one and this is not easy. When someone wrongs us, we like to hold a grudge. Holding a grudge is a guilty pleasure. We all love to think about how we would have just the right words to say at just the right time to make our enemies feel small in front of all the right people. But what if holding a grudge is more sinister than we think? What if the grudge is less about the other person and more about us? What if there is a better way to handle these kinds of situations? And there is, and that’s why we have to talk about forgiveness.


Moving Forward

“Grudge-holding is living in the past. Forgiving is moving forward.” Take some time this week to acknowledge the forgiveness that God has given you. Then let that forgiveness flow through you so that you can be free from the grudge you have been holding.


Discussion Questions


1. Share about a time when someone did you wrong. How did you respond? How did you feel after you responded?


2. What does the cross have to do with our ability to forgive?


3. Read Romans 12:19-20. Do you find comfort in this verse? Do you believe that God will avenge the wrong done to you? How does the thought of meeting your enemy’s needs feel to you?


4. Romans 12:21 says that we should overcome evil with good. Do you believe this is possible? How have you done this in the past? How does this work?

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