Come & See (3) – The Cue to Who

Welcome to CROLCC, we are so glad you are here worshiping with us. Thanksgiving Holiday is upon us soon which means the year is also drawing to a close. I hope you will enjoy your time off with your family and friends. Take some time to reflect upon this past year, and would you write down a few things that you are thankful for this past year? And also, now that the election is over, please don’t forget to pray for our nation, our government leaders and also our new president elect. The country needs us as Christians to play our roles as salt and light, pray wherever you are that God will use you as salt and light, to preserve and to direct.

Today we are continuing our series Come & See. We said that when Jesus’ earliest followers invited people to come and see him, they weren’t trying to explain something. They were inviting others to experience someone. We said that a living example is better than a lengthy explanation. And our action matters. If people don’t like what they see in us, they won’t come and see with us. But how do we know who, when, and why to invite to offer an invitation? We will try to answer that question today.

Moving Forward

How do you know when to invite someone to church? Follow the cues. Sometimes things aren’t going well in someone’s life. That’s a good time for him or her to come and see Jesus. Sometimes a person isn’t prepared for the season he or she is living. That’s a good time to offer an invitation to come and see. But an invitation doesn’t have to be about solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation. Sometimes a person just needs to come and see Jesus. Follow the cues.

Changing Your Mind

The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he.”

John 4:25-26

Discussion Questions

1. Did your church experience begin with an invitation from someone? If so, how do you feel about that person?

2. When you returned to church or began going for the first time, what was going on in your life? Were your circumstances good or bad? How did they influence your willingness to come and see?

3. Have you ever invited someone to come and see Jesus? Was it worth the risk? What happened?

4. Read John 4:4–26. What stands out to you about the way Jesus interacts with the woman at the well? Why does it stand out to you?

5. Who came to mind as you listened to the message? What is your best next step with that person? Do you need to begin to invest in a relationship with him or her? Do you need to offer an invitation to come and see? What can this group do to encourage you to take that next step?

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