Generosity – Being a Radical Giver (Pastor Neill Jakins)



We are two weeks in on our 40 Day Fast and Pray. I want to thank you for your wiliness to participate. If you haven’t had the chance to sign up yet, don’t worry, there is still time, you can just pick some meals to fast and to pray between now and the start of the encounter retreat. We are doing this together corporately as an expression of our dependence on God. Like we said as we conclude the @work series, our ultimate dependence is on God. Our dependence is not on the economy, our work, or our abilities to create work. But I think each and every day there is a temptation to just depend on ourselves, and fasting is one of the better ways to battle that. So, if you haven’t signed up yet, would you be willing to try? You will be surprised of the impact that it would bring to your life.

Another way to train yourself to depend on God is to be generous. I have always believed that “it’s better to give than to receive.” God wants us to be generous people. But it’s never easy. It’s one of those things that it’s easy to believe in but hard to practice. Especially when you are reminded every day of what you are lacking. Today I have invited pastor Neill to touch on this very subject. Because this isn’t just about giving away money, it’s really a heart issue. Who are you ultimately going to depend on as your Lord?

Moving Forward

God calls us to be radical givers. What can you do this week practically to begin a life of radical giving?

Discussion Questions

1. Describe the first time you donated money, whether it’s to a church or to other non-profit organizations. How did you feel before, during and after you gave?

2. Read Luke 16:10-13. Why does Jesus say that you cannot serve both God and money?

3. Read Exodus 36:1-7. Think of a time when you witnessed generosity firsthand, describe what happened and how it made you feel.

4. Read Matthew 26:6-13. Why does Jesus praise the woman for what she did? How would this practically play out in your life today?

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