The N Commandments (5) – Judge Not

Today we are going to talk about perhaps the most popular commandment among those who don’t follow Jesus – “judge not.” It’s the one we as Christians are most often accused of violating. And that is why we are so afraid of saying the wrong things. But it’s also one of the most misunderstood of Jesus’ commands. I hope after we look at what Jesus really said today we would be clear on how to live out this commandment of “judge not.”

Moving Forward

You size people up and write them off, walk away, or refuse to listen. We all do it. But if the sin of others doesn’t break your heart, it’s probably because your heart has never been broken over your own sin. Self-righteous is the thing Jesus despised most. Judge not.

Changing Your Mind

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Matthew 7:1–2

Discussion Questions

1. Talk about a time when your first impression of a person was wrong. How did what you later learned about the person change your relationship with him or her?

2. Read Matthew 7:1–5. What is one group of people you tend to judge? Why is it so tempting for you to judge them?

3. When you size others up, do you tend to write them off (condemn them) or walk away (avoid their problems)? Why do you think you respond the way you do?

4. Have you been sized up recently but refused to listen and instead wrote the person off as being judgmental? If so, what is one thing you can do this week to listen to the feedback you’ve received and begin to make changes?

5. Who is one person you need to stop writing off or walking away from? What is one thing you can do this week to put aside judgment and love that person? How can this group help and support you?

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